Saturday, October 22, 2016


Once the British rule was over from India in 1947, within one year the country was divided into two major parts. The land was divided as per the religions where the area comprises with most of Hindu community for India and rest for the Muslim religion. Although, the land was already divided there but unfortunately no provision was taken for the distribution of water. The need of water is for both the countries and therefore it leads both India and Pakistan to go for a water treaty.

India and Pakistan both tried number of times for the treaty but somewhere lacking with few understanding, treaty never comes to an end. Every time there were few obstacles which were keep blocking the right actions. There are six major rivers which flows from India to Pakistan these are Indus, Jhelum, Cheenab, Ravi, Beas and Satluj. Pakistan do not want India to build dam on these river as these are the major irrigation source for Pakistan. 

Later, in 1954 World bank took the initiative and give an ideal statement for both the countries. World bank in its report said that the water between both the countries will be divided on the bases of the flowing rivers. Out of six major rives three are nominated as western rivers and rest three are the eastern rivers. The right on western rivers which are Indus, Jhelum and Cheenab gone to Pakistan and other which are eastern rivers Ravi, Beas and Satluj for India. Although, India immediately agreed with this plan but again Pakistan keeps its incoherent points and tried to delay as much as possible. Finally, in 1960 both the countries agreed the plan offered by the IBRD which is now World Bank and signed the treaty in sep 1960. World Bank was Represented by the then chairman David E. Lilienthal, President of Pakistan Ayub Khan and Pandit Nehru from Indian side.

According to the treaty India will not be able to use the water from western rivers and not even can build dam or any hydro projects. Whenever India tried to build such projects in its territory, Pakistan took the issue to the International court and in result India had faced lots of economical loss. Tulbul Navigation Project in Baramulla distt, Baglihar project, Kishanganga project are few examples where Pakistan took such steps against India. 

Although, Pakistan is using around 80.52% of water from these rivers whereas India is using only 19.48%. The mojor impact of this will be of course on J&K. If India will able to use the water of these rivers freely and build dams, it can provide electricity throughout north India. 

After the Uri attack it was a guess by Pakistan  that India can break the water treaty. Whenever India tried to help Pakistan, India always got terror rewards in return. Therefore it is not difficult to break the water treaty between both the countries. India can break the water treaty under Article 62 of Vienna convention, however India has to provide a factual reason for it.      

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