Thousand of years back when earth comes into existence, we don't even know whether the life was possible in beginning or not. The centuries has been passed and a new form of life has emerged. With a passage of time human being itself emerged from homo sapiens and started walking on his feet. Slowly and gradually it has started with an improvement while the invention of fire and a proper food introduced by human itself.
Evidence found in excavation of Harrapan, Mohanjodaro and many other civilization gives a proof of a good life which people had enjoyed living united. They used to stay in Kabila's on the citadel of the area and always maintained the unity. The source of income was trade where people used barter system with each other. These all the example shows the unity and valuable moments of life.
As the time passed away people started dividing their area, way of living, culture, language etc. But the most poor instance comes with the division of people on the ground of caste and religion. Hindu, Muslim, Sikkhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism and many other different religions has been introduced. The idea of living, eating, speaking, wearing all changed with the differences.
The time went worst when people started killing each other, started involving them self in riots and terrorism for their own interest. Nowadays people has introduced them-self in a race of ruling above other religion or caste which is of no use. With this silly act of some irresponsible people the definition of "civilization" has been changed. Every day we find some of the poor activities happening in our surroundings which include discrimination on caste, religious riots, killing etc. Some of the people are in a race of beating other religion which is a disheartening thought and which should be avoided.
We know it very well that we are living in a country where on every 100 km of distance the language and culture of people changes. However we should not forget that we are human beings and are well civilized one. We need to look forward and bring all the religions with a common idea of "bring humanity".