Friday, August 9, 2019


The relation between the countries here in south Asia is not healthy. There is always a conflict over land or other diplomatic ties. The countries have itself inner challenges of Population, pollution, health issues and of course the education. The challenges are multiple and the solutions are null. All the neighbor countries are in a race with each other to justify their excellence rather to cop up with others and stand for the betterment. The terrorism is the prime evil for all of them. Its same for India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and rest of all nations.

Major problem in this context is the poor friendship among all. If one nation or country having good relation with the second then of course poor relations with the third one. Countries here are being divided into group zones which is one of the biggest trouble in South Asia. India is a good friend of Afghanistan however having poor relationship with Pakistan and same applies with Sri Lanka, Bhutan and the other Countries.

SAARC was one of the best initialization from these countries to overcome the differences between these but didn't worked out. Sports cultural events are being organised with all enthusiasm however failed completely to tie up properly. Memorandum of understanding, tie ups like trades, business etc and healthy external affairs towards the betterment of these countries had failed properly as these countries still walk in a race against each others.  

Increasing population among the countries is one of the biggest challenge today. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are the fastest growing countries on the basis of population. Increasing population will increase the challenges for the Government. On the other hand pollution had played a key role to degrade the International ranking for these countries.  Delhi, Mumbai, Dhaka, Lahore are the top most populated cities. Poor education, limited educational institutions, poor health facility are the rest of the challenges. Terrorism among these countries has left no stone unturned to demoralize the countries and demolish their relationships with the other nations. Naxals in India, Mujaheddin, Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Taliban in Afghan area, LTTE in Sri Lanka have caused a big troubles to these nations. 

People here are more religious and are more affectionate towards the religious affairs. Might be their way of accepting and believing on God is bit different to others however people here are more deliberately follows and keeps belief on God. Anyways the belief on God and to follow any religion is quite fine but the problem begins when the majority of one religion tries to impose their strictness on others to follow their religion. The race here is to entertain one religion over others. The biggest problem in South Asian people is that they only believes that their religion is best and disrespect other people who belongs to any other creed, cast or religion. 

Recently, when Indian Government has abstracted the Article 370 and 35A  their after Pakistan Government has stopped the trade with India and set the biggest foolish example for this. With this step directly three countries are being affected these are Pakistan, India and Afghanistan as the trade between Afghanistan and India is via Pakistan. This is not only the problem with one single nation, its same with every other countries and I believe this is the biggest problem which is stopping these South Asian countries to move forward on International ranking list.

The problems are many which cannot be overcome without a good relation between all of these countries. Every country should have to come forward and fight together against terrorism, population, pollution and of course with rest of the challenges. It need a multilateral ties with all countries then only this can be achieved otherwise the problems here will swallow the South Asian nation which already had lost their positive identity through out the world.


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Aganeepath: A super Joke of decade

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