Saturday, December 24, 2016


Life on earth is the beautiful creature of the Universe. God has given the life on this tremendous nature. People required a united ideology for the growth of everyone. 

If we look back to the ancient time, even there people uses the barter system to accumulate and to live on this earth according to the nature. People used to grow there products, and interchanged with others product as per there need. Globalization refers to the same, where different countries used to share their own ideas, their experiences, and their work with other countries in orders of growth and to built relations between them.

Globalization is a process by which the countries develops the international influence and starts the trade between them. In simple words, it is interchange of words, ideas, and different aspects of the culture.

Biggest catastrophe during the world war 2 had destroyed and damaged lots of countries. Therefore it was much required to unite themselves and built up again. Therefore during 1944 IMF ( International Monetary Fund ) , and in 1947 WB ( World Bank ) was establish to overcome the problems and to strengthen the world. Therefore today almost every country is exchanging their trades and experiences with other.

Globalization is something which is very much required for any of the country. Globalization simply means to build up relations with other countries and make the best use of their good structure for own own nations growth. It can be in any of the fields whether in science, technology, agriculture, culture, defense etc. For example, the construction of cruise missile Brahmosh of India was under the joint venture between India and Russia, same where if we talk about the upcoming Bullet train is an idea of Japan. 

Globalization allows specialization which means the states or the countries which are very good in any particular therefore they were asked to give there efforts on to the same. e.g. Himachal and Jammu Kashmir are very good in growing apple therefore these states grew the apple and sell it throughout the world, same where UP, Punjab, Haryana are good in Wheat etc, so therefore these used to grew it and feed it through out in nation.

In other terms globalization helps poor people to grow economically and also helps to eradicate the poverty.   It helps to solve the global problems. Globalization also helps to improve the social status for women. Globalization helped India to improve its economy. It has now reduced the child labour as well.

From the economic perspective, globalization has truly changed the world. The core feature of globalization are increased free trade between nations,easier movement of capital through countries and massive increase in foreign investment.

Globalization also allows the free movement of labour between the countries where the people can go outside the countries for the jobs and the trades. It also allows free trade agreement between countries and economies to produce higher quality goods and the products. 


Saturday, November 26, 2016

हारसिपतन पुल पर हुआ था बड़ा हादसा। संधोल के इन जवानों को मिला वीरता पुरुस्कार, बचाई थी घायल व्यक्ति की जान।

कुछ वर्ष पहले संधोल मंडी का इलाका काला पानी के नाम से प्रसिद्ध था। चारों तरफ से बड़े व् छोटे नदी नालों से घिरा यह इलाका मुसीबत की घडी से तो तब गुजरता था जब बरसात के मौसम में व्यास नदी पुरे उफान पर होती थी।  दूसरी तरफ बाकर खड़ भी कुछ कम मुसीबत नही लाती थी।  यातायात के साधन भी न्यूनतम थे तथा आवागमन में भी यहां के लोगों को कई कठिनाईओ का सामना करना पड़ता था। 

इसी खाई से गिरा था सख्स 

संधोल का इलाका जिला मंडी के अंतिम छोर  पर स्थित है।  यह दो अन्य जिलो हमीरपुर एवम काँगड़ा के साथ एक संगम की तरह बसा हुआ है। इसी क्षेत्र से होके व्यास नदी भी गुजरती है।  २०१२ से पहले यहां के लोग नोका व् नाव का इस्तेमाल करते थे। नदी के उस पार  का इलाका हरसिपतन के नाम से मशहूर है जो २०१२ से पहले एक बंदरगाह की तरह काम में लाया जाता था।

बरसात के दौरान भूस्खलन में सड़कें अस्त ब्यस्त 

हालाँकि २०१२ में व्यास नदी पर बने हरसिपतन पुल जो की मेजर समीर सेतु के नाम से प्रशिद्ध है, से लोगो को काफी राहत हुई।  इससे पहले अगर संधोल के लोगो को नदी पार करके उस पार जाना होता था तो नाव का इस्तेमाल करते थे, लेकिन बरसात के दिनों में लोगों को सुजानपुर होके जाना पड़ता था जिससे अधिक समय की खपत होती थी। यहां के लोगों को राहत तो तब हुई जब मुख्यमंत्री वीरभद्र जी ने हारसिपतन से संधोल पुल का शिलान्यास किया।
पूल निर्माण का एक दृश्य 

पुल बन तो गया लेकिन कुछ खामियों का सामना अभी भी लोग कर रहे हैं।  काँगड़ा जिला के  गाँव हारसी की पहाड़ियों से पथर गिरने की ख़बरें तो अक्षर आती रहती हैं लेकिन बरसात के मौसम के दौरान भूस्खलन भी होता है।  पिछले वर्ष की बरसात के दौरान एक अनहोनी घटना हमारे सामने आई जिसमे एक व्यक्ति जो की काँगड़ा जिला से सम्बन्ध रखते थे, दुर्घटना का शिकार हुए। जिस समय वह पुल पार करके गुजर रहे थे  एक बड़ा पत्थर उनके सिर पर आ गिरा।  चोटें इतनी गहरी थी की व्यक्ति खून से लतपथ होगया और पुल के निचे खाई में गिर गया। व्यक्ति बेहोश हो चूका था।  इसी दौरान संधोल क्षेत्र के होनहार युवक मोके पर पहुंचे तथा अपनी जान जोखिम में डाल कर उस घायल व्यक्ति को बाहर निकलने का प्रयत्न किया। संधोल क्षेत्र में गांव सोहर से सम्बन्ध रखने वाले अविनाश ठाकुर (पुत्र श्री अनिल सिंह भंनवाल) , सतीश भनवाल उर्फ़ पंचकु  पुत्र श्री बिधि सिंह भंनवाल एवं अभिषेक ठाकुर पुत्र श्री जीत सिह भंनवाल तीनो ने वीरता का अदम्य उदाहरण देते हुए अपनी जान जोखिम में डाल कर घायल व्यक्ति को रसी के सहारे ऊपर खिंचा। चर्चा के दौरान अविनाश ठाकुर ने बताया की घायल व्यक्ति पूरी तरह से बेहोश पड़ा था और पहाड़ी से ऊपर लाने में बड़ी कठिनाई आ रही थी।  उसी दौरान तीनो ने एक जीप ड्राइवर से रसी की गुहार लगाई और रसी मिलते ही पुल के निचे जाके घायल व्यक्ति को बांध कर ऊपर खिंच लिया। इतने में काफी लोग भी आगये थे तथा  घायल व्यक्ति को तुरंत अस्पताल ले जाया गया। अस्पताल से घायल व्यक्ति को तुरंत राजिंदर प्रशाद मेडिकल कॉलेज टांडा के लिए रेफर कर दिया गया और फिर वहां से उपचार न मिल पाने पर पि जी आई के लिए रवाना किया गया।  डॉक्टरों ने बताया की व्यक्ति की हालत गंभीर है।  लेकिन समय पर उपचार मिल पाने से घायल व्यक्ति को बचा लिया गया। समय पर अदम्या साहस दिखाते हुए इन होनहार जवानों ने जो कर दिखाया उसी की बदौलत यह संभव हो पाया।


इस खबर का जिक्र अखवारों में भी आ चूका है। पिछले वर्ष इन संधोल के तीनों जवानों को वीरता पुरस्कार के लिए मनोनीत किया गया था। इनके काम को सरकार ने भी सराहा तथा १५ अगस्त के दिन धर्मशाला क्षेत्र में हुई ऐतिहाषिक परेड में ट्रांसपोर्ट मंत्री जी ऐस बाली ने इन्हें वीरता पुरष्कार से भी समानित किया।

हमें भी इन तीनो (अविनाश ठाकुर , सतीश भंनवाल , अभिषेक भंनवाल) एवम इनके साहसिक कार्य पर गर्व है।    

अपने कमैंट्स जरूर छोड़ें 

सायरी का तुल्फ उठायें :

Shayari on the rocks ""दिल ने जो कहा"'

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

" ऊँची छलांग " A Motivation to every student

ऊँची छलांग 

ऊँची इतनी छलांग लगाओ तुम ,
आकाश से भी ऊँचा उड़ जाओ तुम। 
सितारों से आगे भी क्या कोई दुनिया है, 
उसका पता लगाओ तुम।  

   घनघोर काले बादलों में जाकर नहाओ तुम,
   सर सर बहती मधुर हवा का,
   भरपूर आनंद उठाओ तुम। 

राकेश शर्मा और कल्पना चावला से आगे तुम्हें जाना है,
अकल्पित क्या है ब्रह्माण्ड में,
इसका पता तुम्हे लगाना है। 
खून पसीना अपना बहाओ तूम। 
विश्व का एक उदाहरण बन जाओ तुम। 

     ऊँची इतनी छलांग लगाओ तुम,
     आकाश से भी ऊँचा उड़ जाओ तुम। 
     सितारों से आगे भी क्या कोई दुनिया है,
     उसका पता लगाओ तुम। 



            श्री सुभाष चन्द भनवाल ( भूतपूर्व   सैनिंक )
            शारीरिक शिक्षक,
            राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठशाला                                        
            संधोल  ( मंडी )
             हिमाचल प्रदेश।

और पढ़ें : 

" मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया "

Monday, November 14, 2016

इस हिमाचली का एक और विडियो हुआ वाइरल, पूरी दुनिया सराह रही है यह शो

इस हिमाचली का एक और विडियो हुआ वाइरल पूरी  दुनिया सराह रही है यह शो।  हिस्ट्री टीवी पर फेमस हो चुके हैं।  

हिमाचल के शहर संधोल के छोटे से गांव के पप्पू सकलानी आज यू ट्यूब  व् हिस्ट्री चैनल पर छाये हुए है। 
पप्पू सकलानी नजर आये एक बार फिर से टीवी जगत की मशहूर एक्ट्रेस मंदिरा बेदी के साथ। 
बारालाचा के बर्फीले ठन्डे पहाड़ो से ले जा चुके हैं ट्रक।  इन मुश्किलो का सामना करना पड़ा आईये देखते हैं विडियो में। 

मंदिर बेदी का फोटो क्लिक करते नजर आये संधोल के पप्पू सकलानी। जबरदस्त चालक हैं पप्पू सकलानी।  बर्फीले पहाड़ो के कठोर रास्तो में ड्राइविंग का लोहा मनवा चुके हैं।  

और पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें : 

Himachali man from Sandhole Mandi "A Driving Guide on HISTORY TV"

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Shayari on the rocks ""दिल ने जो कहा"'

"दिल ने जो कहा" 

श्री सुभाष चन्द भनवाल 

प्रजा तुम्हारी फ़िदा ह तुम पर,
तुम जनता के भगवान् हो ,
मसीहा हो आप गरीबो के 
आप महान इंसान हो।  

    फरियादी कोई जब तुम्हारे दर पर आता ,
    खाली हाथ वह कभी नही जाता। 
    बेहतरीन राजनीतिग्य हैं आप,
    काम आपके महान हैं 
    इसी अदा से आपकी,
    जन जन में पहचान है। 
    प्रजा तुम्हारी फ़िदा है तुम पर,
    तुम जनता के भगवान् हो। 

सुमार्गदर्शन से आपके,
हिमाचल ने हर क्षेत्र में बड़ा नाम कमाया है ,
शौच मुक्त भारत के अभियान में,
हिमाचल को प्रथम राज्य बनाया है। 

    जगह जगह कॉलेज खुलवा कर,
    बड़ा ऐतिहाषिक काम किया है ,
    बसों में फ्री स्टूडेंट पास बनवाकर,
    शिक्षा को भरपूर प्रोत्साहन दिया है। 
    दरिया दिल हो आप,
    इंसान बड़े महान हो 
    प्रजा तुम्हारी फ़िदा है तुम पर,
    तुम जनता के भगवान् हो। 

तुम जिओ हजारों साल,
यही हमारी कामना यही दिल की पुकार है,
प्रदेश हमारा बुलंदियों के शिखर को छूता रहेगा,
जब तक राजा जी आपकी सरकार है।  

     प्रजा तुम्हारी फ़िदा है तुम पर,
     तुम जनता के भगवान् हो। 
     मसीह हो आप गरीबों के,
     आप एक महान इंसान हो।          



            श्री सुभाष चन्द भनवाल 

            शारीरिक शिक्षक,
            राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठशाला                                        
            संधोल  ( मंडी )
             हिमाचल प्रदेश।      



" मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया "

Friday, November 11, 2016

" मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया "


  " मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया "

मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया, 
सीमा पर दुश्मनो को बदहाल कर दिया , और 
देश में काले धन वालो को बेहाल कर दिया।  
      ५०० और १००० के नोट बंद करने का ज्यूँ ही फरमान हुआ,
      दिहाड़ियों और ईमानदारों में जगी ख़ुशी की लहर , मगर 
      काले धन वालों और गन्दी  राजनीती वालों में घमासान हुआ।  

अब हर पल ख़ुशी और , हरियाली का एहसास होगा, क्योंकि 
लगता है अब अवश्य ही  भारत का विकास होगा।  
देशहित में लिया एक ही फैसला आपका,
सब के दिलो में घर कर गया,
मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया।  

       आतंकवादी अब यहां नहीं टिक पाएंगे, क्योंकि 
       अब आतंकियों को शह देने वाले, खुद मिटी में मिल जायेंगे। 
       सोचा भी नहीं था, कभी ऐसा साम्राज्य आएगा ,
        मंत्री से संत्री तक अपनी मेहनत की ही खायेगा। 
        तेरी नीतियों ने देश में धमाल कर दिया ,

  मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया,
  सीमा पर दुश्मनो को बदहाल कर दिया,
  काले धन वालों को बेहाल कर दिया,
  मोदी तेरी सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक ने कमाल कर दिया।                                              


            श्री सुभाष चन्द भनवाल 

            शारीरिक शिक्षक,
            राजकीय वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक पाठशाला                                        
            संधोल  ( मंडी )
             हिमाचल प्रदेश।      

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Himachali man from Sandhole Mandi "A Driving Guide on HISTORY TV"

Pappu Saklani from Sandhole very well known for his safe driving on tough roads representing as a driving guide for actress Mandira bedi on a TV channel "History TV" for the show IRT "India's deadliest roads" 

Mandira bedi while driving a truck with guide Pappu Saklani

Roads are the life line of our nation which connects us with the farthest parts through out the country whether it is Kanyakumari or Ladakh, roads makes easier to be their. Himachal Pradesh is full of mountains and cliffs and the roads in Himachal are in such which have been constructed over the mountains and hilly areas. This is the reason why Himachal roads are so dangerous and therefore more often leads to mishap and accidents.   


IRT "India's deadliest roads" a show on " History TV " 18 is very famous these days. The prime moto of this show is to explore the dangerous roads of Himachal and to show on its channel which can be viewed through out the world. Mandira Bedi, Sangram from Bigboss and many more celebrities are taking part in this show.

Pappu Saklani from Mandi instructing Mandira Bedi

However the best part of this show is that the driving guides are from Himachal Pradesh who are the local people and have the experience of such dangerous roads. Pappu Saklani from Sandhole is the personal driving guide of actress Mandira Bedi. He is very well known for his driving in tough places. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Government banned Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes

When world is busy watching the US President elections, Indian government comes with a drastic change and launched the new  era currency notes. Government has banned the notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 from 8th November midnight onward. The decision was taken by the government on the same day and applied in the evening.  It was estimated that lots of money is being used illegally and already converted to the black money. However this great step of the government will definitely going to overcome from the problem of hard cash black money. 

PM Narender modi During his speech

People from now onward will not be able to use the notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000, it can only be exchanged through the financial sectors like banks and post offices. The decision is bold and clear, and going to directly affect the corrupt people and officials or the corrupt politicians who had kept bags of currency notes hidden in there residence.    

Following key steps :

  • From 8th November midnight the notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 banned.
  • Notes will be exchanged with in next 50 days till 30th December through banks and post offices.
  • New notes of Rs 500 and Rs 2000 will be launched soon, however notes of Rs 1000 are being terminated and will not be used in future. 
New notes of Rs 500 & Rs 2000

  • People can use identity card, Aadhar card, Voter card, PAN etc to submit the cash in the banks for the emergency and large amounts.
  • From 10th November till 24th of November people can exchange the cash and notes of up to 4000 thereafter 25th November the amount exchange amount can be more than 4000.
  • However notes are still valid in Hospitals, Railway station, Bus counters and airport ticket counters till 72 hours.
  • Notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 are also valid and can be used in milk dairies, petrol pumps, CNG gas counters etc.
  • If someone is not able to submit these notes till 30 December for any reason,for such people government has given a provision to submit the currency till 31 march with a declaration form. 

The way government strikes silently on the public is a great step to take out the black money from the market. Honest people with their hard earned money can easily submit their cash into the banks however the people who had a large amount of notes under their home tiles will now be a waste paper.
This great move of the government of course will take time to get it active. Surely, in the beginning it is quiet difficult to survive for everyone but once everything will be under control then yes it will be a fresh start from the next year.   

As per the records around 90% of the black money is outside the nation saved in Swiss bank and many more financial institutions. Remaining 10% of currency which is in India still divided into different forms like gold, diamond etc and rest in hard cash. We knew it very well that this new amazing step will definitely crush the black money which have been earned illegally. 
Although people who are full of corruption and having a millions and billions saved in Swiss banks are still safe. It also need a tough implementation to bring back the black money from the Swiss bank to India.

Friday, October 28, 2016


The great Hindu festival Diwali has brought up everyone's attention towards it. People of India religiously follow this great festival and are happy to enjoy the festival of light. Diwali is being celebrated from the ancient period. There are different reasons to celebrate this wonderful festival and most important factor is the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhaya after a long 14 years of exile. The day is remembered as a pure win of goodness over the evil. Laxmi Pooja is also very famous which usually celebrated on the same day during night.


We can see the happiness around and the smiling faces of people on this occasion. We all used to enjoy during Diwali,do lots of shopping, share sweets and happiness. Most of the people blew crackers on Diwali and enjoy the time in best of its way. 

Till now everything was fine however blowing crackers and playing tricks with them is quite risky and dangerous for the life. Blew crackers is the worst part of this beautiful festival. Of course, it looks bright full and color full but some where yes it is impacting deep in our life. We all are very much aware of such incidences which had happened in past because of some mishaps on this particular occasion. 

We the people had made this event of blowing crackers as the part of this festival. The biggest impact comes out in pollution, as it smashes the air quality and increase the contamination in air. It also affects the hearing of a common and therefore a noise pollution too. Its a risk full job to blew the cracker and even we all knew thousands of such incidences where people lost their properties and even lives because of fire raised by the crackers. Many animals are the victim on this day who got tortured by these crackers. 


Even we can see day after Diwali when we finds most of the burnt crackers on roads and nobody will come to clean it off. It should be avoided as it also increases the squalor on the roads. On the other hand a sweeper who is working alone will come and clean the road. But as a human and a well civilized person is it not our duty to maintain the decorum of humanity? 

Let us we all promise our self to play this Diwali safe and happy to maintain the goodness of human being.     


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

BRICS summit 2016

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. BRICS is a group of those larger economic countries which comes under continents of Asia, Africa and America. BRICS countries comprises with the largest countries as per land and population. It constitutes of 1/4th of the worlds landmass and around 45% of the world's population and 25% of the global GDP. 

BRICS was came into effect after the global financial crises in 2008. The time was crucial to overcome from the situation of crises therefore these countries stepped forward to setup a group of emerging powers which can contribute in the well being and can provide support to those small countries which are not able to stand even after the global crises.

BRICS summit

The very first summit was held at Russia in 2009 and in the beginning there were only four countries who joined the group. Later in 2011, South Africa also joined and made the power of five.

  1. BRICS Summit 2009 - Yekaterinburg        Russia
  2. BRICS Summit 2010 - Brasilia                  Brazil
  3. BRICS Summit 2011 - Sanya                     China
  4. BRICS Summit 2012 - New Delhi              India
  5. BRICS Summit 2013 - Durban                   South Africa
  6. BRICS Summit 2014 - Brfortaleza             Brazil
  7. BRICS Summit 2015 - Ufa                         Russia
  8. BRICS Summit 2016 - Goa                        India  

BRICS summit 2016 was held at Goa on 15-16 October. Theme for the summit was " Building Responsive, inclusive and collective solution". Countries of BRICS represented around 36 billion people throughout of the globe which is approximately half of the total world's population. These five countries are also the part of G20 and are growing economies. Out of these five countries four are in top 10 populated countries. These countries comes up with around 25% of GDP of the world's. It was the time when financial institutes like World Bank, IMF were widely considered to be predominantly influenced by the few powerful countries and larger bodies like US and European union. Therefore, later NDB  New Development Bank was inaugurated during BRICS summit 2014 which was held in Brazil. NDB president presented the report for the work of the bank which has been done by NDB. NDB has also released  its first loan for the renewable energy to BRICS countries. 

Most important thing is that NDB has reduced the dependency specially on the dollars and also strengthened during the World Bank and IMF. Headquarter for the NDB is at Sanghai and its first presidency was under K.V. Kamath.
BRICS primary focus is on the infrastructure development and all members to contribute  $10 billion to accommodate a capital of $50 billion. It can be increased upto $100 billion over a time period. Bank will allow new members to join, however the capital value for the BRICS members should not go below 55% of the total shares. 

In BRICS 2016, India and Russia signed up total 16 agreements specially in the field of defense, energy, space, submarine building and many more over the technologies. For the membership of NSG and UNSC there were a bilateral meet with China however the talk never come to an end with a proper conclusion. India has also tried to give the full credit of terrorism to Pakistan however defended via China. China in its speech expressed grave defensive  to Pakistan and told that India has to stop its terrorist activities.         

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Once the British rule was over from India in 1947, within one year the country was divided into two major parts. The land was divided as per the religions where the area comprises with most of Hindu community for India and rest for the Muslim religion. Although, the land was already divided there but unfortunately no provision was taken for the distribution of water. The need of water is for both the countries and therefore it leads both India and Pakistan to go for a water treaty.

India and Pakistan both tried number of times for the treaty but somewhere lacking with few understanding, treaty never comes to an end. Every time there were few obstacles which were keep blocking the right actions. There are six major rivers which flows from India to Pakistan these are Indus, Jhelum, Cheenab, Ravi, Beas and Satluj. Pakistan do not want India to build dam on these river as these are the major irrigation source for Pakistan. 

Later, in 1954 World bank took the initiative and give an ideal statement for both the countries. World bank in its report said that the water between both the countries will be divided on the bases of the flowing rivers. Out of six major rives three are nominated as western rivers and rest three are the eastern rivers. The right on western rivers which are Indus, Jhelum and Cheenab gone to Pakistan and other which are eastern rivers Ravi, Beas and Satluj for India. Although, India immediately agreed with this plan but again Pakistan keeps its incoherent points and tried to delay as much as possible. Finally, in 1960 both the countries agreed the plan offered by the IBRD which is now World Bank and signed the treaty in sep 1960. World Bank was Represented by the then chairman David E. Lilienthal, President of Pakistan Ayub Khan and Pandit Nehru from Indian side.

According to the treaty India will not be able to use the water from western rivers and not even can build dam or any hydro projects. Whenever India tried to build such projects in its territory, Pakistan took the issue to the International court and in result India had faced lots of economical loss. Tulbul Navigation Project in Baramulla distt, Baglihar project, Kishanganga project are few examples where Pakistan took such steps against India. 

Although, Pakistan is using around 80.52% of water from these rivers whereas India is using only 19.48%. The mojor impact of this will be of course on J&K. If India will able to use the water of these rivers freely and build dams, it can provide electricity throughout north India. 

After the Uri attack it was a guess by Pakistan  that India can break the water treaty. Whenever India tried to help Pakistan, India always got terror rewards in return. Therefore it is not difficult to break the water treaty between both the countries. India can break the water treaty under Article 62 of Vienna convention, however India has to provide a factual reason for it.      

Monday, October 10, 2016

Surgical strike "A planned victory of politicals"

Attacks in Indian territory by the militants has become very common these days. Terrorists strikes at different places and ruin the life of a common man with their cruel activities. But time now has been changed with some partial effects, it is time now to mold the iron and back fire the enemies. 


                The recent Uri attack by few of the militants had come up with death of 18 army persons. In result, India with red angry eyes attacked on some of the hidden base camps of militants. In the back fire India sent its best commando troops to the PAK Occupied Kashmir and killed almost 40 terrorists which were likely to attack at Indian territory. The grace result brought a little smile to everyone of us but the sorrow of loosing our own soldiers is much more worth to us.

It is not something which is in between both the countries India vs Pakistan but it is something which is against fraternity, humanity and civilization. However, few political parties and persons are trying to enjoy the full credit of armed forces which are fighting on the border land. They are not letting any option to go away from their hand because it might be helpful in the elections. As few of the state elections are over head for example Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Karnataka etc therefor such political persons do not want to left any stone unturned. 
 Although, Before elections of 2015 in Bihar, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Assam, the Myanmar operation with 70 commandos which took place last year nearly in  June was one of the preplanned  operation which was most highlighted during the election session. If we try to go in detail then there are many such operations which took place but we even don't know about them. If we discuss about the most important operation of Indian Army which is "Operation Ginger" which took place in 2011 where troops of Indian Army were sent to kill the terrorists who fled with heads of two Indian army persons. Army attacked on three different locations and in the result Army succeeded but there were no news of the attack. No other attacks has been highlighted. So, why now the news about the surgical operations has been spread through out the world. Of course, we are proud of our Army but we should not use the name of our security activities in order to compete the elections.  Even the DGMO Ranbir Singh urges the political parties not to make an agenda of their belief.  

Saturday, June 18, 2016


One who hold our fingers when we were unable to walk. One who roved us on his shoulders, who recite us poems, stories. Who shows us the path towards goodness and guide us to be like a well civilized person in the society. The day today is dedicated to our father's who sacrifices their life for our smile and forbear our tantrums. For our single smile his efforts means a lot who cares tremendous for us and make us happy.

Fathers day was first celebrated on June 5, 1908 by Dr Robert Webb of Virginia. Later it becomes popular and people finds the day worth to dedicate this occasion for the father's. Since then it is being celebrated on the third Sunday of the month June. 

Fathers always play a vital role in the family. He is the head of family and took right decisions. He is responsible for the livelihood of other members too. The responsibility for the education of the children, their needs, marriage all lies on his shoulders. He always fulfill the desire of his children and shows the way forward. 

From our childhood fathers had redeem their duty and now it is our turn to pay back more happiness and smile on his lovely face. On this precious occasion people used to give red roses to their fathers who are alive and white roses to deceased father. Our parents do not expect something huge from us but they are always happier with our little smile. One little smile on face is prominent to spread the happiness. Therefore keep smiling and make fathers special today.      



Aganeepath: A super Joke of decade

When the budget of Central reserves are being used for political benefits, when the opposition leaders are being bought. When the political ...