Friday, June 17, 2022
Saturday, April 18, 2020
CHINA the Game Planner
China is the biggest game planner and everybody agrees it. It is China only who tried to run the race according to their game plan. The pandemic COVID-19 is somewhere a thoughtful plan of Chinese approach to rule over the world. This is for sure a plan to hit the biggest countries like USA, Russia, EU, France and developing Nations like India to strike an economical fall. It is been observed that this COVID-19 has stopped in China and being spread in other countries with a massive increase in rate.
Someone has well said if one cannot beat others directly, there are N number of indirect ways to hit the enemies without the visible attack or without making them realise of it. I believe the Medical crises of this dangerous pandemic Covid-19 may be one of them as it leads like a Biological weapon. Lakhs of people have been infected with the virus and around 1.5 L people has already lost their lives.
Surely, this bad time of 2020 will be remembered for Decades and Centuries. It will definitely affects the Chinese relations with the countries around the world. Relations of India with China were always not very good. As China never took a stand for India in International approach, where as India has put all its best efforts to overcome the hatred between two counties. India have always carried a good response and shakes hand with China for many Bilateral tie ups. Even after the war fought in 1962 there are N number of MoU proposed and delivered in terms of trade between both. But still the bitterness of China had always shown its poor face of evil.
The China's plan is simple to rule the World which is way far from its dream. The same it applies in South Asian Countries also. They knew that they cannot fight USA, Russia directly therefore somewhere they had not stopped the International flights flown from China to all over the world. They surely had stopped the flights within the country, and it might be the part of their plan.
China wants to put their hold on India also. Therefore tried their all possible ways to counter India's approach since a long back.
1. OROB ( One Road One Belt ): The Ancient Silk root from China to EU and the Britain is one of the biggest step of China to counter all the countries on the name of trade. China surely will try to trade and increase their economic aspects. It will be responsible to connect Asia, Africa and Europe.
2. CPEC ( China Pakistan Economic Corridor ): One of the biggest threat to India is the CPEC which China is building from Tibetan part to POK to Karachi. It is a well planned idea to hit India. India is countering Pakistan very well however if once this CPEC is completed then China can offer its Military accessories, Canons, tanks, Guns etc and can deploy the Army with collaboration of Pakistan. It can easily hit India from almost all the parts of Eastern and Western side. Of course the South China Sea may take a long route to reach India via waters, but here it can easily approach by road on this China Pakistan Corridor.
3. String of Pearls: China has also tried its best to counter India in its water. They have collaborative bases on Southern countries like Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malaysia etc. China has constructed a port in Myanmar, Chittagong in Bangladesh, Gwadhar in Karachi and which will be connected to CPEC road. These all the steps China is taking to counter India in water however India has put its best effort to overcome this Chinese Idea of String of Pearls. india has constructed a port Chabbar in Iran, made its hold in Oman, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Myanmar, Qatar etc. This is for sure India has countered this Idea of String of Pearls very well. Of course, there is no doubt that China have more Naval Ships, Stealth, Carrier Aircraft's, Submarines and all the necessities of war however Indian Navies capability, Indian water and friendship of India with its neighboring countries all are in India's favor. China can never try to beat India in its water as the terrain is all India's favor.
Almost small things from niddle to Ship parts are being imported from China. The daily life of India is totally based on Chinese products. So the moving forward for India is simply controllable from Beijing. The products used in festivals in India whether it is color of Holi or Crackers of Diwali, accessories of Christmas almost everything is being imported from China. It depicts a major issue for India on Economical aspects. If India will start its own trade and manufacturing of its own products, it will surely help the Nation on Economic forums and its development. No doubt it will take some time but the initiation of MAKE IN INDIA is somewhere the first spark for our country.
After this Pandemic attack of COVID-19 where China has not revealed this to WHO or to other countries, world is sad with the Chinese poor thought. Today the COVID-19 cases has almost stopped as per the WHO records but the increase of this virus in human is massive in rest of the countries. The lock down of countries had lower down the Worlds economy and taken a birth of new crises. It will be taking time to overcome this pain and provide relief to thousands of victims. The Virus is spreading in such a speed that it will surely be taking lives of few more Lakhs of people.
This is of course a tough time where all the countries should unite and take relevant steps. United Nation, WHO and the worlds united organisations should stand together and find out the reason of this spreading virus and should take the necessary steps. If China is found guilty, World should directly oppose the country and its products. The same applies to India as well, where we can lower down or slowly and gradually stop almost all the trades with China.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Hundred of years ago when the land was not divided into different parts, people used to live freely. Wherever they love to go they can reach without any barriers of country lines. The land was not partitioned but later the humans greed and the basic necessity has given a new birth of partitioning. In early ages the land was divided and acquired by Emperor's and Kings to run their Empire's and Kingdoms. Slowly and gradually as the time has passed the choices of people has turned to a new era where the Kings and Emperor's has been replaced by Prime Ministers or Presidents and the Kingdoms has been turned to countries. Land is being divided into different small chunklets and formed with near around 200 countries. India is among of them and the 7th largest country in the world. India is the largest democratic country in this world which is the beauty of this land.
India is one of the beautiful country in this world. The different cultures, caste, creeds and colors of India are the best part of it. Existence of different religions, languages, food are the wonder and creature of this land. People lives with freedom, honesty and works with their full integrity for the prosperous of this nation. People like Mahatma Gandhi , Swami Vivekananda , Aryabhata , and many more are very well known heroes of our country who gave a new face to the world. Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Red Fort , Khajuraao Temple and many more are few of the monuments which attract the people from all over the world.
Geographically India connects to different other countries. Afghanistan in North, Pakistan in West, China, Nepal in North eastern part, Bangladesh, Myanmar in East and Sri Lanka in South. However the relation with these all the countries are very complicated. Some countries of them are true friend of India on the other hand some are totally opposite to this. The relation of India with countries like Afghanistan, Nepal and Bangladesh are very good. Multilateral tie ups, deals, Memorandum of understanding between these countries are good examples of healthy relations. On the other hand we have some bitter relations with Pakistan since Independence, China also had left no stone unturned to push India behind. Some of the terror activities in Indian territory is being monitored from last couple of years. Again and again this terrorism which is evil of human being has hollowed this beautiful nation. The Terrorism has given a birth to newly ventured violence. This is of course not a India of our dreams. India should bilaterally speak to these countries and eradicate the terrorism from grass root level and should also proceed with good and healthy relations with every one via effective deals which will definitely help India to grow well in time.
Of course, geographically problems are many which will take time to overcome however the internal problem of our nation can be worked easily. Demographically, Indian population is growing with a huge numbers and that even with a short span of time. Its been observed that India will chase Largest populated country China by 2030 if the population will keep growing with the same speed. United nation has already warned the countries however its our fault where we have not worked anything to protect the growing birth speed. Indian Government should have to come with some laws which can be implemented in the right direction to save the nation to become highest populated country in the world. Laws or Government rules like one or two child policy can only work for this.
Education is one of the major part which needs to be worked upon. Poor Education of this country is one of the biggest challenge where we have confirmed that India is way behind. Less educational institutions, less trainers or teachers are the main cause of worries. Poor quality education leads to no or poor jobs which should be protected with the right steps. Government should have to come forward and open new institutions in the country. Along with the institutions Government can also look upon jobs, quality of work and the equal opportunity for everyone to grow.
India having 28 states and 9 UT's where recently we have scene one of the state Jammu and Kashmir has been altered into two union territories. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are went through a curfew where they were not supposed to celebrate their festival Eid and even the Independence day which was being celebrated throughout rest of the India. The freedom has not been given to people of our country which is a black face of our nation. People who were known for fraternity and brotherhood all over the world has set a poor example. The riots of Hindu Muslims are one of the major trouble these days. People should think civilized and should not enroll themselves in such riots.
A poor man works throughout his life and even unable to save a good amount for his need. He suffers with pain, diseases and other problems and could not go through treatment. A common man only wishes to have proper education, health facility, transportation nothing else. He pay taxes more than he wishes. He pays tax to walk on roads, pays state taxes, national taxes, GST and many more. What he takes home is his dreams and this India of his dreams which is far away from him to see. I wish, the imaginations and dreams of every India will come true. May every man of this country will be more educated and civilized.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
कर्फ्यू , कश्मीर और स्वतंत्रता
आजादी की 72वीं वर्षगांठ निसंदेह एक अलग उत्साह व् उमंग के साथ पुरे भारत भर में त्यौहार के रूप में मनाया जाता है। 15 अगस्त आजादी का वह पर्व है जिसे पाने के लिए सैंक्डो कुर्बनिआँ दी गयी। उन सब शहादतों की ही बदौलत आज हम सब स्वतंत्र हैं और इन्ही शहादतों की याद में यह दिन बहुत ही हर्ष व् उलाश से मनाया जाता है। हम सब इस दिन का हर वर्ष बड़ी उत्शुकता से इंतज़ार करते हैं। आज सड़को पर , गलियों में , अलग अलग भवनों में सिर्फ तिरंगा झंडा नज़र आता है। सड़को पर हर गाड़ी के ऊपर झंडे का लहराना लोगों की ख़ुशी का प्रतिक है व् देश के प्रति प्रेम जाहिर करता है। वहीँ दूसरी ओर कुछ समुदाय व् कुछ क्षेत्रों में आजादी के 72 वर्ष बाद भी स्वतंत्र होने का अभाव नजर आता है।
दो देशों के बिच लकीर खीच जाने के बाद (ये तेरा वो मेरा) की लड़ाई में पीसने वालो की संख्या कुछ कम नहीं है। हाल ही में हमने कश्मीर को इस बोझ तले दबे देखा। ऐसा स्थान जहाँ एक राज्या का विभाजन दो टुकड़ो में हो चूका हो, जहाँ ईद का चाँद भी ईद ना मना पाया हो, हो सकता है इससे लदाख के कुछ लोगों में ख़ुशी की लहर हो लेकिन यह बात भी कुछ ज्यादा ख़ुशी नहीं दे पाती जब जम्मू और कश्मीर का मसला सामने आता है। कर्फ्यू ख़तम होंने का नाम नहीं ले पाता । आजादी के दिन भी लोगों को बाहर निकल कर आजादी मनाने की इजाज़त नहीं थी। ईद का त्यौहार भी बेरंग सा ही निकला।
पथरबाजी का रूप क्या समझाने की कोशिश करता है ? क्या यह बताना चाहता है की हमे भी आजादी चाहिए , मगर किससे ? क्या वहां के स्थाई निवासिओं को ईद का त्यौहार मनाने के लिए या आजादी मनाने के लिए किसी की इजाज़त , सलाह या मशवरे की जरूरत है। स्वाल बेशक अनगिनत हैं किन्तु जवाब कोई नहीं। तनाव कहीं भी उमड़ सकता है लेकिन हर तनाव को मिटाने का एक सही रास्ता रहता है। परन्तु यह तनाव कुछ दिन बाद भी हो सकता था , त्यौहार जहां खुशियां लाते हैं वहीँ एक शहर ऐसा भी है जो गम में डूबा हुआ है।
अलग अलग स्थान पे इस आजादी का अलग महत्त्व रहा है। जहाँ नागालैंड में स्थाई निवासिओं ने वहां का झंडा फहरा कर इस पर्व को सम्मानित किया वहीँ दूसरी ओर लदाख के लोगों ने इसे लदाख का पहला स्वतंत्रता दिवस कहा। हो सकता है हर जगह के अलग तनाब हों लेकिन हमें यह नहीं भूलना चाहिए की इस आजादी पर हर उस व्यक्ति का हक़ है जो इस सूंदर पावन धरती का सपूत है। पंजाब , गुजरात , हिमाचल हो या मराठा हर राज्य का , हर समुदाय का इस देश पर बराबर हक़ है।
कश्मीर के लोगों में हालाँकि आक्रोश तो बहुत है परन्तु निसंदेह सरकार को इस तनावपूर्ण स्थिति में कुछ ऐसा कदम उठाना चाहिए जो देश व् वहां के स्थाई लोगों दोनो के हितों की बात करता हो। द्विपक्षीय वार्ता से ही इस बात का हल निकल सकता है अन्यथा एक भाग जो भारत का हिस्सा है अपने ही देश से रूठ कर रह जायेगा और हज़ारो मतभेदों के पक्ष बुनता रहेगा। हमें नहीं भूलना चाहिए की उन्हें भी जीने का उतना ही अधिकार है जितना दूसरे राज्य के लोगों का। उम्मीद करते हैं की जल्द ही वहां हालात अच्छे हों व् सब मिल जुल कर रहें।
Friday, August 9, 2019
The relation between the countries here in south Asia is not healthy. There is always a conflict over land or other diplomatic ties. The countries have itself inner challenges of Population, pollution, health issues and of course the education. The challenges are multiple and the solutions are null. All the neighbor countries are in a race with each other to justify their excellence rather to cop up with others and stand for the betterment. The terrorism is the prime evil for all of them. Its same for India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and rest of all nations.
Major problem in this context is the poor friendship among all. If one nation or country having good relation with the second then of course poor relations with the third one. Countries here are being divided into group zones which is one of the biggest trouble in South Asia. India is a good friend of Afghanistan however having poor relationship with Pakistan and same applies with Sri Lanka, Bhutan and the other Countries.
SAARC was one of the best initialization from these countries to overcome the differences between these but didn't worked out. Sports cultural events are being organised with all enthusiasm however failed completely to tie up properly. Memorandum of understanding, tie ups like trades, business etc and healthy external affairs towards the betterment of these countries had failed properly as these countries still walk in a race against each others.
Increasing population among the countries is one of the biggest challenge today. India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are the fastest growing countries on the basis of population. Increasing population will increase the challenges for the Government. On the other hand pollution had played a key role to degrade the International ranking for these countries. Delhi, Mumbai, Dhaka, Lahore are the top most populated cities. Poor education, limited educational institutions, poor health facility are the rest of the challenges. Terrorism among these countries has left no stone unturned to demoralize the countries and demolish their relationships with the other nations. Naxals in India, Mujaheddin, Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Taliban in Afghan area, LTTE in Sri Lanka have caused a big troubles to these nations.
People here are more religious and are more affectionate towards the religious affairs. Might be their way of accepting and believing on God is bit different to others however people here are more deliberately follows and keeps belief on God. Anyways the belief on God and to follow any religion is quite fine but the problem begins when the majority of one religion tries to impose their strictness on others to follow their religion. The race here is to entertain one religion over others. The biggest problem in South Asian people is that they only believes that their religion is best and disrespect other people who belongs to any other creed, cast or religion.
Recently, when Indian Government has abstracted the Article 370 and 35A their after Pakistan Government has stopped the trade with India and set the biggest foolish example for this. With this step directly three countries are being affected these are Pakistan, India and Afghanistan as the trade between Afghanistan and India is via Pakistan. This is not only the problem with one single nation, its same with every other countries and I believe this is the biggest problem which is stopping these South Asian countries to move forward on International ranking list.
The problems are many which cannot be overcome without a good relation between all of these countries. Every country should have to come forward and fight together against terrorism, population, pollution and of course with rest of the challenges. It need a multilateral ties with all countries then only this can be achieved otherwise the problems here will swallow the South Asian nation which already had lost their positive identity through out the world.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Abolition of article 370 and 35 A
Abolition of article 370 and 35A was an headache for the country. Since Independence, Jammu and Kashmir was always in headlines for its controversial movements among the Kashmir people. Its the birth place of Jihad which has spoiled the state and also ruined the relationship badly with the neighbor country Pakistan. The story begin with the time when agreement was signed between PM Nehru and the then King Hari Singh. The agreement was clearly mentioned with few of the special provision given to the residents of the state. However the story didn't completed yet as there were some of the radical elements in the valley who always tried to spread unnecessary violence in the state. They tries their best to keep the atmosphere unhealthy and tries to create violence all around.
Article 370 was amended multiple times and given with all the powers to state except Defense, Telecom and External Affairs. Any Bill passed from Parliament was studied well by the state assembly and if required they can neglect the bill. Article 370 gives the freedom to Jammu and Kashmir to hold their own flag and state rules which centre nothing to do with. Special provision was offered to the state since the Independence.
No doubt their were some of the limitations however the problems has not been looked after since 1950's. During 1987 it begin with the new face of violence and comes with the name Jihad. Since then the terrorism has set a strong hold behind the internal violence in the state. Slowly and gradually the violence had turned into big terrorism where Pakistan has never left their turn freely to affect Indian territory. They started financing some of the radical elements and always encouraged them to spread terrorism in the valley.
The internal infrastructure in the valley in terms of Hospital, educational institutions were so poor that people are not happy. Initially they were forcefully thrown into this evil terrorism and were asked to fight for Jihad. Later it become a fashion and trend for those locals. People now have indulged themselves in such activities which are of course against the nation. Out of these some picked up the guns, ammunition's, and bombs and jumped into their so called Jihadi fights. Jihad is a word to get freedom. But do they really know from whom they demand this freedom.
People were brain washed so smartly that they are ready to kill themselves and act as a slipper shells. They are ready to take the owner to blast themselves in the public area and harm the public with loss of lives and buildings. Loss of lives, Soldiers, Defense persons is very common in the valley and thats the reason why Jammu and Kashmir is always in highlights through out the world. Birth of stonepeltters were the most destructive thing which had happened in the valley. However the state was getting proper and extra funds from the Governments since the Independence. Might be that was the shelter and cover for the people as the basic economy is very less. Industries are not in the valley and their basic economy lies on the farming of Apples, and some depends on the tourism which had almost ended up due to the reason of Terrorism.
Government was of course looking for the action from last couple of decades however failed on the basis of law, Acts and under constitutional ranges. Article 370 and 35 A was having a provision of disqualifying it only on the basis and recommendation of the President and the people of Kashmir. However the current Government had not given the chance to the people for choosing what they need. They were even unaware about the step which was taken by the Central Government. No one has informed the people of valley before moving 30000 troops. Even the Ministers of the state were not informed and were house arrested in the midnight as they were the voice of people leaving in valley. Not a single chance was given to the people to think over this and to share their point of view as the Article 370 in Constitution says that it completely depends on both the President of India and the People out their whether to scrap the articles or not.
In my point of view yes of course Article 370 and 35A should be abolished however the process followed to scrap it and threw into the trash is surely unhealthy, unacceptable and against the constitution. It directly violates the Freedom of people, it violates their freedom of speech where they has not been asked before taking this historical step. It seems to be opposing of so called National bible "Constitution " of India. Such steps by the Government may lead informal and controversial issues in future. It directly violates the human rights of people. Today it happened in Jammu and Kashmir and may be tomorrow its turn for WB, UP or Delhi. We should stand with our constitution and condemn such activities of Government which are presenting a poor role without laws. This will definitely not leading the nation to the best features. It has left the impression like Pakistan which used to do the same forceful acts in their Provinces.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Gandhi's Era Endangered
Mahatma Gandhi is that brilliant name who won millions of hearts in India and outside the country. He was the man of honesty who worked with integrity, and fought well with his valour contributions to the freedom of this nation. The name "Gandhi" is enough for commemorating the pride for this nation. During the British rule over India, Gandhi ji have shown incredible courage for their country and that too even with a deep message of peace, love and civilization.
The struggle for the freedom of India had always a challenge. The man "Gandhi" stood with the truth and followed the dream to make India a proud and independent sovereign country. Struggle for the color racism in South Africa, fight for Independence and standing by truth and devotion were the key characteristics of this personality. The dare to oppose the social racism has brought this nation together where the people belongs to different caste, color, creed came forward and joined hands with all passion and compassion to eradicate the British rule over Indian's.
I believe the struggle of this man has left no stone unturned to fight for racism and to enlighten India against Britishers. Gandhi was the personality who carries the enthusiasm to gather all the religions and communities. His revolts were always upheld with the peace. He was well known for his contributions to maintain the peace, devotions in society.
However, In a difference after 70 long years of post Independence, we have some where found extinct of Gandhi Era. The man who is known as father of this nation, the man whose pictures are in US President's office, the man who is Idol of thousands of people, is found no where with the new generation.
Gandhi was always against those who were communist and spread Communalism. The society and group of people who always stands with a similar religion was one of those who hates Gandhi and his peaceful acts. During the time of partitioning when India was heading to divide into two countries, Gandhi was the most upset person in this world. He always looked Hindu, Muslim, Sikhs, and all other religions with same equality. He also demanded the required help to Muslims during the partitioning which was disliked by some of the communist. Later he was assassinated on 30 Jan 1948.
Such personalities were the game changer who lead this country to a new developing nation during poverty, lack of economy, poor transport, health, education, etc. Of course, he didn't enjoyed free India however his struggle was unforgettable. We should never forgive our freedom fighters who stood on the very front whenever needed.
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