Sunday, April 29, 2018

Be Human and bring Humanity


Thousand of years back when earth comes into existence, we don't even know whether the life was possible in beginning or not. The centuries has been passed and a new form of life has emerged. With a passage of time human being itself emerged from homo sapiens and started walking on his feet. Slowly and gradually it has started with an improvement while the invention of fire and a proper food introduced by human itself.

Evidence found in excavation of Harrapan, Mohanjodaro and many other civilization gives a proof of a good life which people had enjoyed living united. They used to stay in Kabila's on the citadel of the area and always maintained the unity. The source of income was trade where people used barter system with each other. These all the example shows the unity and valuable moments of life. 

As the time passed away people started dividing their area, way of living, culture, language etc. But the most poor instance comes with the division of people on the ground of caste and religion. Hindu, Muslim, Sikkhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism and many other different religions has been introduced. The idea of living, eating, speaking, wearing all changed with the differences. 

The time went worst when people started killing each other, started involving them self in riots and terrorism for their own interest. Nowadays people has introduced them-self in a race of ruling above other religion or caste which is of no use. With this silly act of some irresponsible people the definition of "civilization" has been changed. Every day we find some of the poor activities happening in our surroundings which include discrimination on caste, religious riots,  killing etc. Some of the people are in a race of beating other religion which is a disheartening thought and which should be avoided. 

We know it very well that we are living in a country where on every 100 km of distance the language and culture of people changes. However we should not forget that we are human beings and are well civilized one. We need to look forward and bring all the religions with a common idea of "bring humanity". 


MRS INDIA Kritika Sharma : A Charming Personality


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

MRS INDIA Kritika Sharma : A Charming Personality

Kritika Sharma during her Interview

Born and brought up in Hyderabad with a Himachali DNA, Kritika Sharma is today making the Nation and Himachal proud. Kritika Sharma clinched the title for Mrs India 2017 and had started a new dream journey of her life. Kritika embarked into the journey of Modeling world and set an motivational example to change the women perception from everyone's mind.

Before being famous Kritika was very found of helping people and she was already working for an NGO (Inner Wheel of Hyderabad Hitech) where the prime aim of NGO was to spread awareness in society. Helping poor people, treatment for patients, educational motivation and many more are the key features. 

Mrs India Kritika Sharma during an event

In today's world where women has been thrashed from all around and being dominated by the society Kritika Sharma came forward and gave a tremendous example for empowering the women union. Since our Ancient era, women have been dominated by  home violence, gender inequality, murders, rapes, dowry system , feticide and many more. 

Being as Mrs India, Kritika Sharma gave her all the credit of her hard work to her parents who always stood forward and motivated towards her dream goal. Kritika is also blessed with a beautiful small little angle who feel very much proud on her mother.     

We have no doubt in our mind as women are most precious creature of God. We should respect women as men and women both works exactly like a Tyre of a bicycle where if one got punctured other cannot move. Like the same way if we dominate women in our society how come we can image men success. Both male and female works proportional to each other. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

फिर तेरा मन कहाँ और मेरा दिल कहाँ

माना जुल्फें तेरी थी ऐसी ,
जैसे हो कोई काली घटा का आंगन। 
बाकि तो देखने वाले का नजरिया चाहिए ,
फिर तेरा मन कहाँ और मेरा दिल कहाँ । 

             पा सके तुझे कोई अपने ख्वाबो में भी,
             ऐसा किसी का नसीब कहाँ । 
             एक बार यूँ इथला कर मुस्कुरा ही देते ,
             फिर तेरा मन कहाँ और मेरा दिल कहाँ 

साजिशें तो बहुत रचीं होंगी तुमने 
अपनी इन नीली हसीं निगाहों से। 
बस अगर उन निगाहों का कुसूर ना होता,
तो ये शायर कहाँ और ये शेर कहाँ। 

            अपने अल्फ़ाज़ों के बाणो से,
            घायल तो बहुतों को किया होगा तुमने। 
            पर उन घायलों में एक
            सच्ची मुहबत को खोजना 
            ऐसा मेरा नसीब कहाँ और तेरा वक्त कहाँ। 

पलट दें पने जैसे जिंदगी के ,
तरह तरह के लोगों से तो तुम मिली होगी। 
बस एक तेरे देखने का नजरिया ही तो चाहिए था ,
फिर मेरा दिल जहाँ, तेरा मन वहां। 

            माना तू होगी ख्वाबों की कली,
            माना तू होगी एक प्यारी सी नादान परी। 
            पर दिल तो मेरा भी एक परिंदा था,
            घूम घूम कर ना जाने जिसने, 
            ढूंढा किस किस गली। 

मौशकी में आ कर खुद को 
बदनाम कर लिया हमने। 
खुद को ना जाने क्या क्या कहा हमने 
बस एक तेरा साथ ही तो चाहिए था ,
फिर तेरा मन जहाँ और मेरा दिल वहां     

रचनाकार : अनमोल मंगल 
परियोजना अभियानता 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

पंजाबी सुपरस्टार परमिश वर्मा को मारी गोली।

पंजाबी सुपरस्टार परमिश वर्मा इस समय अस्पताल में जूझ रहे हैं।  बात कल रात तकरीबन 1:30 बजे मोहाली की है जब परमिश वर्मा देर रात्रि अपने घर लोट रहे थे। गाड़ी से उतरने के बाद वहां कुछ बदमाशों ने परमिश वर्मा पर गोलिओं से हमला कर दिया । इस गोलीबारी में परमिश वर्मा की टांग में गोली लगी, और बुरी तरह जक्खमि हो  गए। हालाँकि गोली किसने और क्यों मारी इस बात का कोई कड़ा तथ्य तो पता नहीं चल पाया किन्तु एक सक्श "दिलप्रीत सिंह " ने इस गोलीबारी की जिमेवारी ली है।     

बता दें की परमिश वर्मा एक जानेमाने पंजाबी डायरेक्टर हैं व् एक अच्छे  एक्टर के रूप में भी निखर कर आये हैं।  हालही में उनकी गायकी के चर्चे भी बहुत हो रहे हैं।  कुछ दिन पहले ही आया एक गाना " गाल नी काड्णी  " काफी चर्चा में रहा।  परमिश वर्मा बहुत से ब्लॉकबस्टर गाने जैसे "आले चक ", "शड्डा " आदि  भी इंडस्ट्री को दे चुके हैं। पंजाबी मूवी "रॉकी मेन्टल " से पेहचान बनाने वाले परमिश वर्मा आज पुरे देश में चर्चा में हैं किन्तु उनके फैंस भी उस समय दंग रह गए जब परमिश को गोली मारने की खबर सामने आए। 

परमिश वर्मा इस समय चंडीगढ़ के फोर्टिस अस्पताल में दाखिल हैं।  डॉक्टरों का मानना है की परमिश अभी खतरे से बाहर हैं, परन्तु उनके फैन्स में दुःख की लहर छा गयी। हालाँकि एक दिलप्रीत सिंह नाम के व्यक्ति ने इस फायरिंग की जिमेवारी उस समय उठाई जब दिलप्रीत ने अपनी फेसबुक प्रोफाइल पे पोस्ट किया की "इस बार तो बच गया ,अगली बार नहीं बचेगा" । पुलिस इस पुरे मामले की जांच कर रही है। 

आपको यह भी बता दें के हल फिलहाल में अजय देवगन प्रोडक्शन में बनने जा रही सिंघम मूवी के लिए परमिश का चयन हुआ है। इस मूवी में सिंघम मूवी को पंजाबी में डब किया जा रहा जिसके स्टार हीरो परमिश रहेंगे।  परमिश वर्मा के फेन्स पूरी आश लगाए बैठे हैं की परमिश अब जल्द ही ठीक होकर घर वापिस आएंगे व् पुलिस आरोपियों को कड़ी से कड़ी सजा देगी।  

Friday, April 13, 2018

Asifa Rape Case ( Height of Heinous Barbarism )

We are ashamed when we heard about brutal rape cases in our society. Rape of an  innocent 8 years old small little kid who have not even seen the outer world scared us. Unluckily we are living in the same country on which we are very much proud, where we face such stories every year and forgets them on the very next day. Damini, Gudiya, Asifa and thousands of such names are in list but still the culprits of it are living and enjoying rest of their lives.

10th January was the miserable day when a 8 year old was raped forcefully in Kathua District of Jammu and Kashmir. She was first kidnapped while she was grazing her horse and taken to the forest. She was raped brutally by different people. She was given with some intoxication tablets and being raped continuously for 3 days. Man named Vishal traveled from Merut to Jammu to overcome his lust. Even it makes us fear once we thought of the incidence. From what situation she had gone through. 

In an investigation 8 members has been arrested which even includes 4 police men officials, retired official, one juvenile. However the story might be different as what was the purpose of including a Juvenile in this case. What we can figure out of it is the only thing that the Juveniles are always considered for less  penalties. Even we remembered in Damini's rape case all the other culprits were hanged till death however the only Juvenile who was charged with the powerful heinous case was released. 

We can figure out that we have a lack of proper laws and regulations which should be overcome soon else we can see the worst of India out of it. Till the time victim will not get the right justice the efforts of  Government we can feel are helpless. Today we have lakhs of cases still pending for Justice with a very few number of Judges so how come we can hope for Justice in a very less time. With in a week we all are gona forget who Asifa was and once again by the next few months when we will see such heinous crimes on roads we will all come together for a day to blow candles and go home. Saying that we have Supreme powers and strongest country etc are just a wastage of words. Till the time the respect for every human being will not come from heart the efforts are waist full.

Hope this will not happen in future and may the soul of little kid rest in peace.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Kangra School Bus Accident brought tears in millions eyes

Whole the nation plunged into a shock when a school bus met with an accident. It was very unfortunate that the school bus was carrying little kids and all of the sudden the bus falls down 61 mt from mountains. On 9th of April when the families of kids making them ready to their school, they were totally unaware whether they will met them again or not. 

Sadly the accident occurred in District Kangra of Himachal Pradesh, where 27 people lost there lives. It includes 23 little kids between the age of 5-14, 2 teacher belongs to same school, bus pilot and a local women who took lift from the same school bus found dead. The bus met with an accident in afternoon at around 3:30pm while the Wazir Ran Memorial Public School students were returning to there home. When the bus skidded, it felt down from the mountain and in a blink of a moment small little kids lost there lives.

Local public reached to the spot and called the Ambulance. Police force along with NDRF rescued the bus. As it was bit difficult to reach out to bus easily, it took around 3 hours to rescue  all from the bus. Khawara village in Nurpur had lost 13 lives from the same village where the maximum number of cremation will be badly experienced. Most of the students who all were badly injured were transferred to the local civil Hospital Nurpur and there after taken to RGMC Tanda.  

The driver who also lost his life in the same accident has been booked with FIR for the rash driving against IPC. We understand the critical situation howsoever no one can change it. We have lost N number of little lives and its a very unfortunate, but we can learn a lesson from the same for future. 

Do we have good skilled drivers, do we have good roads, transportation facilities, Do we have emergency backups, questions are many however answers are nill. The Government should take initiative in advance, why  it has always been waited for any big indent. Of course the Government keeping its priority to lower down these accidental cases but a proper bulls eye implementation is required where we will not loose such precious lives.

As few of injured students has been referred to Hospital Tanda for their treatment. I would request all whosoever is near by please approach to Hospital as Blood is required on urgent basis. Your single goodwill step can save someone's life.

Helpline Contact:



Thursday, April 5, 2018


State game of Himachal Pradesh is Volleyball and we have no doubt that Himachal has produced the legends in Volleyball. Himachal Pradesh has record of producing National and International players for every year. The interest of this beautiful game in public is alot. Therefore people who knows the game and play it, enjoys it well and who watch it as spectator enjoys double. People of the state are very much addicted to this game. 

The game of Volleyball has been followed by public since many years. The tournaments has been organized in different places on different occasions. Whether it is any fair, festival or any ceremony the Volleyball tournaments are always being organized to unite the people belongs to different places. Teams comes from there belonging names and shows the best demonstration of themselves. 

Fever of Volleyball starts itself from academics where students took part in game and always empowered to win. Students here has grown up watching the game of 6 men smashing the ball over a net of height 2.43m. Jumping above the net and smashing the ball hard keeps them highly charged and therefore the craze of this game is like a fever in everyone's mind. After academics most of the students joins the Volleyball academies and make it as there own profession. 

Many Volleyball academies are paying there attention to brought up Legends of Volleyball from state. Sri Sai Volleyball Academy Bilaspur, Una Sports Academy, Shivalik Academy Sirmour are few of the good academies which are putting there full efforts to nurture the upcoming Heroes of this game from state. Defence and Police forces also chooses the best players to there organization. 

Same where Sandhole in district Mandi had a great history of Volleyball.  The game of Volleyball has became the cultural game of this beautiful place. Players from Sandhole are playing for Zonal, State, National and Internationals. Even the previous coach for team India A belongs to Sandhole which boost up the dedication for upcoming generation towards this game.  

Every year volleyball tournaments is being organized by the people of this place where the teams through out the Nation took part. Railways, Army, SSB, Police from different states and different state teams belongs to different academies took part every year.  This initiative of people is commendable and we can  hope that our Government will also look into this and will encourage Volleyball. 

Aganeepath: A super Joke of decade

When the budget of Central reserves are being used for political benefits, when the opposition leaders are being bought. When the political ...