Monday, December 25, 2017

जगरूप सन्धू ने दिखाया महानता का प्रतिक

बात १८ दिसंबर २०१७ की है जब में चंडीगढ़ से हिमाचल सफर कर रहा था।  किसी कारण वस् मेरे पास जो भी धन कैश में था , समापत हो चूका था।  हलाकि पैसे अकाउंट में मौजूद थे किन्तु सेक्टर ४३ चंडीगढ़ में पहुंच चूका था और वहां जानने में आया की किसी भी एटीएम  मशीन में कैश मौजूद नहीं है। दोपहर के १ बज चुके थे व् इसके बाद में लेट हो सकता था। धका तो काफी लगा परन्तु एक बार बस कंडक्टर से बात करना उचित समझा।  मै समज चूका था की मुझे कही आस पास एटीएम मशीन ढूंढ़ना ही पड़ेगा और भय इस बात का था के अंतिम बस छूट न जाये ।  लेकिन फिर भी मेने वापिस जाने के बजाए एक बार बस कंडक्टर से पूछा की क्या में कार्ड पेमेंट या ऑनलाइन पेमेंट कर सकता हूँ और यदि हाँ तो कृपया एक टिकट चंडीगढ़ से सुजानपुर का काट दीजिये।

 बस कंडक्टर जगरूप सन्धु जी ने बड़े विनम्र और खेद प्रकट करते हुए पंजाबी में कहा के ( पाजी कार्ड पेमेंट ते नई हेगी तुसीं  सेवा दसो वीर जी ) इतने सी वार्तालाप मे मैं समझ तो गया ही था की जगरूप जी एक सज्जन पुरुष हैं।  मेने उन्हें आप बीती सुनाई के सेक्टर ४३ के किसी भी एटीएम मशीन में कैश तो उपलब्ध नहीं है और इस बस के बाद, मैं लेट हो जाऊंगा। जगरूप जी ने मेरी समस्या समझी व् मुझे बस में बैठने के लिए कह दिया।  यह जानते हुए भी के मैं बस किराया नहीं दे सकता , जगरूप जी ने मेरी सीट बुक कर टिकट भी अपनी जेब से काट के दे दिया।  हालाँकि मेने जगरूप जी को आश्वासन दिया की बस जहां कहीं भी रुकेगी में एटीएम से पैसे निकलवा के आपको दे दूंगा।  जगरूप जी ने फिर मुस्कराहट में पंजाबी में कहा ( पाजी तुसीं  टेंशन ना लेयो  ) 

१७ दिसंबर को  सायद मेरी किस्मत ज्यादा ही खराब थी।  एक बार बिच में बस किसी ढाबे पे भी रुकी परन्तु वहां भी कोई एटीएम मशीन मौजूद नहीं थी।  आखिर में जब में सुजानपुर पहुंच चूका था मेने जगरूप जी से पंजाबी में कहा के ( पाजी बस ५ मिनट देयो  में किराया देना है ) जगरूप जी फिर आश्वासन देते रहे पंजाबी में ( पाजी कोई चाकर नई हेगा रहने देयो ) सुजानपुर में उतरते ही मेने एटीएम मशीन की तलाश शुरू की , जानने में आया की एटीएम मशीन ग्राउंड के उस पार है जहां आने जाने में तक़रीबन १० मिनट तो लगने थे। बस केवल ५ मिनट रुकने वाली थी। 

 में जान तो गया था की आज मेरी किस्मत किसी दूसरी राह पर दौड़ रही है परन्तु इस बात की दिलाशा भी थी की कोई सज्जन पुरुष आज भगवान् के रूप में मेरी मदद करने आया है।  सच बताऊ तो जगरूप जी ने अपने इस कार्य से मेरा दिल जीत लिया।  मुझे जगरूप जी और इन जैसे हज़ारो लोगो पे गर्व है जो दुसरो की सेवा के लिए हमेशा तत्पर रहते हैं। जगरूप जी आज के इस कलयुग में हज़ारो लोगो के लिए प्रेरणा सवरूप हैं।  हम आशसा करते हैं की जगरूप जी इस तरह के उन्दा कार्य करते रहेंगे व् हज़ारो करोड़ो लोगो का दिल जीतते रहेंगे। 

जगरूप सिंह सन्धू  शहर भटिंडा से सम्बन्ध रखते हैं व्  पी आर टी सी में बतौर बस कंडक्टर जॉब करते हैं।  हमें  जगरूप जी व् उनके ऐसे कार्यों पर गर्व है। 

Friday, November 24, 2017

Swapnil Thakur "A newly commisioned Navy Officer"

Punjab is the state from where most soldier comes from.  Punjab has contributed the maximum number of men in Indian Army. However on the basis of density with the number of people joined Indian Defence services, the ratio is high for Himachal Pradesh. According to Himachal TV at least one person from every  home belongs to defence or police service. The enthusiasam here in people is very high to serve the nation in olive green or in defence dress.

Himachal Pradesh having record of producing great Army legends who laid there life for the nation, who served for the valour of nation, who gave plenty of examples about their integrity and discipline for respected work and life. Life in Himachal is not very easy for a common men. Life in Himachal looks very beautiful and attractive from the outer world but its full of life time risks. 

In the same circumstances, this time very talented Swapnil Thakur from Mandi district made it in Indian Navy as an officer.  Swapnil Thakur from Sujanpur Tihra set an example for upcoming generation by joining Defence services. He joined Indian Navy as an officer and will be appointed as Sub Lieutenant.    

Officer Swapnil Thakur with his parents

After taking primary education from Sanik School Tihra, Swapnil completed his schooling from Dalhousie Public School in Chamba. As he was a bright student since his school time he got selected for an orientation program for NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administraion) where Swapnil attended one month training. His all interest was in aviations, aeronotics and mechanism therefore he choosed Mechanical Engineering and got admission in SRM University Delhi. Swapnil craked SSB (Service Selection Board) interview at 33 SSB Navy board Bhopal. He joined Indian Naval Academy at Ezhimala, Kerela and after completion of a tough and hard training attended the passing out ceremony on 22nd November. 

Jitender Thakur father of Swapnil is an idle for him who gave inspiration and lesson for lifetime. Father always gave strength to face challenges and to choose own ways for himself. His mother Vibha Thakur and father Jitender Thakur both are Professors at MSCM Government Dergree College Thural and are very proud parents on this happiest and precious moment. Swapnil believes his all discipline and ethics belongs to his parents and gave all the credit to his dearest mother and father who tought him the lession of civilization.   

happiness during passing out parade
Officer is ready with his castle

We salute our newly commisioned Indian Naval Officer Swapnil Thakur and wish him a very good luck for his happy future. He has become an inspiration for upcoming generation. May God bless him.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"Sobhagaya Yojana" Electrifying India

Electrifying the Nation

Since the invention of bulb by Thomas Edison in 1879, even though the people are deprived by the electricity and its uses. Even after 70 years of Independence the country still having a lot of tribal areas and poor families which stay back of the facility given by the technical world. Out of 25 crore people of India at least 4 crore of people do not enjoy the electricity, even in 2017. The reason may be many, like tribal areas, below poverty line, lack of dams and electricity generators etc, where people were unable to reach out for the facilities. Even though, till now might be Government was busy somewhere and engaged themselves in other issues. 

However, PM Modi now comes out with a drastic and tremendous step of launching the scheme  Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar "Sobhagaya Yojana" of 16,320 crore on 25 September, where the electricity will be given to all the house holds. The electricity to the poor house holds will be given through out the nation and that too free of cost. No electricity bill will be charged under the scheme. The scheme comes out quite late but worth it for the welfare of the nation. PM Modi also inaugurated the Deendyal urja Bhawan on the birth anniversary of Pandit Deendyal Upadhayay in New Delhi. The people who are below poverty line will be given the electricity and that too for 24 hours a day. 

There was a time when electricity was not invented, the people used to entertain their work along with candles and lanterns. But even after 70 years of independence some of the places in India were struggling for the same. Women of the houses holds uses the candle and lanterns for there work. Students of tribal areas uses the same for their studies. No one had thought about this, but now we have a full hope that the problem will be entertained properly and the initiative taken by the NDA Government is worth for the biggest upcoming change towards the welfare. Of course, the challenges are many but slowly and gradually the proper implementations will take over these biggest problems.


Saturday, September 2, 2017

शिमला में हुआ बड़ा लैंडस्लाइड 7 गाड़ियां मलवे के निचे


बरसात थमने का नाम नहीं ले रही और उधर हर दिन कोई न कोइ बड़ा हदशा सामने आ रहा है।  अमूमन छोटे लैंडस्लाइड तो देखने को हर साल मिल  जाते हैं किन्तु इस वर्ष बरसात सब कुछ अपने साथ बहा लेजाना चाहती है।  गौरतलब है की कुछ दिन पहले मंडी में एक भीसम लैंडस्लाइड में h r t c की दो बसों के दबने की  खबर सामने आई थी ,जिसमे तक़रीबन 50 लोगो के मारे जाने की बात सामने आई थी। 

 अभी इस दर्द से बाहर निकल पाना मुश्किल था के इसी के साथ आज शिमला जिला के भटकुफ़्फ़ार में एक भारी लैंडस्लाइड देखने को  मिला।  लैंडस्लाइड उस समय हुआ जब रोड पर जबरदस्त ट्रैफिक के कारण जाम लगा हुआ था।  गाड़िया बिच रोड पर ही खड़ी थी की  इतने में देखते ही देखते पूरा का पूरा पहाड़ निचे गिर गया।  हालाँकि अभी तक मलबे के निचे किसी के मारे जाने की खबर तो नहीं है लेकिन यह जानकारी मिली है के तकरीबन 7 गाड़िया लैंडस्लाइड के मलबे के साथ ही निचे बह गयी।  लैंडस्लाइड होते ही लोगों के बिच अफरा तफरी मच गयी।  ट्रैफिक पुलिस भी मोके पर तैनात है व् लोगों को घटना स्थल से निकालने में पूरा सहयोग प्रदान कर रही है। 

लैंडस्लाइड का वीडियो देखें :
देखने के लिए वीडियो पर क्लिक करें :

निचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक करें :

हिमाचल प्रदेश की कुछ पंचायतों ने किया इलेक्शन का बहिस्कार

इलेक्शन का बहिस्कार 

हिमाचल प्रदेश के  जिला मंडी के अंतर्गत आने वाली धर्मपुर कोंस्टीटूएंसी की कुछ पंचायतों ने हिमाचल सरकार के खिलाफ मोर्चा मोड़ लिया है। मुलभुत सेवाओं तथा सुविधाओं का अभाव होने के कारण लोगो के अंदर करारा आक्रोश देखने को मिला है। इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं है के यहां के लोग अब भी  आजादी के 70  वर्षो के बाद मुलभुत सुविधाओं के लिए तरस रहे हैं।  ट्रांसपोर्ट , अस्पताल , रासन सोसाइटी , स्कूल व्  कॉलेजों का अभाव तो कई दशकों से चलता आ रहा है , किंतु अब तक सरकार के कानो पर कोई जूँ नहीं  रेंग पाई है। 

अंतत यहां के वासिओं ने सरकार के खिलाफ मोर्चा शुरू कर दिया है जिसमे कुछ पंचायतें इसी वर्ष होने वाले इलेक्शन्स का करारा बहिस्कार कर रही हैं।  सबसे पहले उभर कर आई बेरी पंचायत के लोगो ने तहसीलदार को पत्र लिख कर अपना रोष जताया तथा बाद में यह भी बताया की अगर सरकार यहां के लोगों का मनोबल गिराती रही तो लोग आने वाले इलेक्शंस में भाग नहीं लेंगे। बेरी के लोगों का मानना है  के आजादी के बाद से अब तक बेरी पंचायत में ट्रांसपोर्ट की कमी सबसे ज्यादा खल रही है। कच्ची सडको  में बड़े बड़े गढ़े इस बात  का प्रतीक है की यहां सरकार ने कभी विकास की राह  पकड़ी ही नहीं।  आज भी लोग इस रास्ते पे अपने वाहन ले जाने से पहले सौ बार सोचते हैं की वाहन ले जाना खतरे से खाली  तो नहीं।  

बेरी पंचायत में मिडिल स्कूल तक की शिक्षा का प्रावधान तो है परन्तु मिडिल स्तर पूरा होते ही पंचायत के छात्रों को  8  की मि पैदल चल कर संधोल स्कूल में जाना पड़ता है।  सोचने वाली बात यह है  के १३ साल तक के छात्र यहां से पैदल चल कर आज भी संधोल जाते हैं।  जब कोई व्यक्ति बीमार पड़ता है तो मजबूरन यहां के लोगों को बीमार व्यक्ति को  पालकी में उठा कर 8  की मि तक चिकित्षा के लिए लाना पड़ता है। बसों का सिमित होना तथा सिमित समय  में चलना एक बड़ा प्रशन का केंद्र है। आखिर कब तक यहां के लोग इस बात को उच्च स्तर तक ले जाते रहेंगे। 

बेरी  पंचायत की देखा देखि में कुछ अन्य पंचायते भी सामने आयी है जो नवंबर दिसंबर में होने वाले मतों का बहिस्कार कर रही हैं। इन पंचायतो का सीधा मांनंना है की  सरकार अब ढीढ हो चुकी है तथा इस तरह का कदम लेना उचित हो गया है। दृश्य में आई बाकि पंचायते जैसे संधोल , कोठुआं एवं कोठुआं में आने वाले वार्डस चतरून  , बाँह , सेड आदि ने भी बहिस्कार पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर कर दिया है।  

अगर संधोल की बात की जाये तो बिल्डिंग होने के आभाव से एक ही स्कूल की बिल्डिंग में प्राइमरी स्कूल , हाई स्कूल  , सीनियर सेकेंडरी , आई टी आई संधोल , केंद्रीय विद्यालय संधोल , व् संधोल कॉलेज सब को पनाह दी गई है।  संधोल स्टेडियम के हालत साल दर साल बिगड़ती  जारही है।  बरसात में आने वाली बाढ़ साल दर साल यह नुक़साम करती है फिर भी सरकार की अनदेखी यहां के लोगो के आक्रोश में साफ़ झलकती है।  व्यास नदी पर पल तो करोड़ो  का बन गया किन्तु बसों का अभाव आज भी है। अस्पताल के नाम पर डिस्पेंसरी की सुविधाएं इस बात का संदेह पैदा करती है की यहां के लोगों को इंसानो की तरह इलाज मुहैया करवाना सायद एक बड़ी चुनौती  है। बस स्टैंड का कार्य आज भी रुका पड़ा है जिसे सायद ही सरकार पूरा करा पायेगी।  नेता महानता यहां सब कुर्सी की दौड़ में तो हैं लेकिन दूसरी तरफ नेता लोग यह भूल  चुके हैं की अगर जनता ऊपर बिठा सकती है तो निचे भी गिरा सकती है।  मत बहिस्कार की आग इस तरह से फ़ैल चुकी  है की  सरकार को यहां के वासिओं के आगे नतमस्तक होना ही पड़ेगा।    

Friday, August 25, 2017

चंडीगढ़ ट्राइसिटी में हालत हुए बेकाबू

आग में सुलझती बस 

कोर्ट का बड़ा फैसला उस समय सामने आया जिस समय बाबा राम रहीम के सहयोगी कोर्ट के बाहर फैसले का इंतज़ार कर रहे थे। हालाँकि कोर्ट ने साफ़ तोर पे बाबा राम रहीम को दोषी करार दिया गया लेकिन अभी तक सजा का फैसला आना बाकि है। वही दूसरी तरफ भीड़ का एक बढ़ा हुआ जमावड़ा बेकाबू हो गया और पुरे शहर में हैवानियत का परचम लहरा दिया। भीड़ में गुसाये लोगो ने सड़क पर होने वाली यातायात आवागमन को पूरी तरह से नुक्सान पहुंचाया और वाहनों को भी जला डाला। 

चंडीगढ़ में अब तक तक़रीबन 28  बेकसूर लोगो को अपनी जान से हाथ धोना पड़ा तथा तक़रीबन 100  से अधिक लोगो के घायल होने की भी खबर सामने आई है। एक बड़े स्तर पर  जान माल का नुक्सान हुआ है। भीड़ में गुसाई लोगो ने बसों तथा अन्य गाड़ियों को सबसे पहले शिकार बनाया।  इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं के यह एक सोची समझी रणनीति थी जिसमे किसी छिपी हुई शक्ति का हाथ है। 

क्या है ये मामला : चंडीगढ़ 

2002  में बाबा राम रहीम के खिलाफ उन्ही के आश्रम की दासी ने ये गोपनीय तरीके से इलज़ाम लगाया के बाबा ने दासी के साथ दुष्कर्म किया था। हालाँकि यह बात बिलकुल गोपनीय थी तथा दासी ने भी कभी अपनी पहचान पब्लिक में नहीं कराई थी।  सी बी आई के लिए यह बात चुनोतियो से भरी थी। पहले दासी को ढूंढ़ना एवं दासी को पुरे तरीके से सुरक्षित व् गोपनीय रखना।  सी बी आई अपने कार्यो पर खरी उतरी और अब जब १५ साल बाद हरयाणा के पंचकूला में हाई कोर्ट का बड़ा फैसला सामने आया तो बेझिजक एक सचाई की जीत सामने आई। किन्तु ये फैसला हज़ारो लाखो लोगो को रास नहीं आया जिसमे बाबा राम रहीम को दोषी करार दिया गया।  बड़ी बात तो यह है के अभी तक बाबा को कोई सजा नहीं सुनाई गयी है। सजा की घोसना सोमवार को की जाएगी। 

चंडीगढ़ में हालत बेकाबू 

फैसले के 4  दिन पहले से ही लोगो का एक बड़ा जथा बड़े स्तर पे हथियारों के साथ चंडीगढ़ ट्राइसिटी में एकत्रित होना शुरू हो चूका था।  हालाँकि पुलिस व् अर्धसैनिक बल भी हज़ारो की तादाद में मौजूद थे किन्तु इस गुसाई भीड़ में सामने घुटने टेकते नज़र आये। जब इस बात की भनक पहले से ही थी तो सरकार उचित कदम लेने से क्यों कतराती रही। 

भारत एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश है इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं है।  हर इंसान को अपनी मर्जी से जीने व् धर्म से जुड़े व्यवसायों में भाग लेने की स्वतंत्रता है परन्तु जब व्ही सवतंत्रता किसी दूसरे निर्दोस की जान की कीमत बन जाये उसे हैवानियत का नाम दिया जाता है। 

हम उम्मीद करते है की यह मामला जल्द से जल्द सुलझे व् उम्मीद करते हैं के जनजीवन फिर से एक पुराने खुशमिजाज तरीके से शुरू हो। 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

13 August, Black day for Mandi

landslide in Mandi

When we all were enjoying the best time of rainy season same where few of us were buried under the landslide triggered by the cloud burst.
13 Aug 2017 was the black day which has been written in the history book from now on words. It was a cloud burst along with the landslide and affected the life of a common man. The people who compromises there lives were the most unlucky people. Two Himachal Road Transport Corporation buses which were heading from Manali towards Katra and Chamba vulnerable under the huge landslide. It comes with the poor and the bad result to compromise so many lives. The people belongs to the family of victims are in deep sorrow. 

However the NDRF and Army were struggling to bring out the burried people from the landslide. Proper health checks are given to the injured people but unfortunately near around 46 people lost there lives. CM Virbhadra singh, Transport Minister G.S. Bali, Professor Dhumal reached out the place and promised the best help towards the dangerous situation and announced 5 lakh for the victims .  

Government of state has also provided some of the helpline numbers where people can contact easily as an emergency.

Helpline 01905-226201
Helpline 01905-226203

Transport helpline 9418001051

This is very unfortunate that many people lost there life and it happens every year. Yes we know, its a natural disaster but why can't we make a plan for the proper implementation in advance so that in the toughest  situation, it can be handled carefully. Government should be ready with there advance planning for such situations.  

May the soul of victims rest in peace.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Naxalisam the biggest threat

Naxalism is the biggest problem 

Naxalism is the biggest threat to India which has spoiled the internal security of country and has led the nation towards back foot. Naxalism is the organization which took part in the terrorist activities and destroy the public properties. The major aim of these people is, not let the Government to work in their occupied area. They wanted to be the authorities for their occupied area and people who are living in forests and the backward areas. 

The word Naxalism comes from the village Naxalbadi in West Bengal from where this fight has taken a spark. During a revolt by the farmers against the Zamindars on 18th May 1967 where the farmer was killed by the landlords and the agenda raised as the voice for people. When the police arrived and behaved wrongly with a pregnant lady, the other ladies killed the police inspector with arrows. The fire of revenge increase among the villagers and a group of people comes into effect. A section of Communist Party of India (Marxist) led by Charu Majumdar, Kanu Sanyal, Jangal Santhal initiated the up rising. On the same day 18 May 1967 in Siligudi Kishan Sabha, Jangal Santhal was declared as President and supported the armed struggle to redistribute the land to the landless. When the revolt begin many people tribal and poor joined the revolt and started killing the landlord. 

Mao Zeodong provided the ideological leadership for the Naxalbadi movement. A large number of elite attracted towards the movement and the ideology of the leader who belongs to the left party. During 1971, students left their school and joined the movement. In 1971 an operation which was led by Army and Police known as "Steplechase" where thousands have been killed. 

The attacks by the Naxalism now a days increased rapidly. They used to target the constructions and the development by the India Government in their occupied areas. Mostly they used to target the forces which are active their. Till date they have killed thousand of Police men and soldiers from central armed forces. Almost they have been spread through more than 10 states and trying to occupy more and more area and their ruling. The latest attacks in Chatisgarh where Naxalist has destroyed the road which was under construction and the attack on CRPF people in Sukma district was in highlight from last month.Both the attacks comes for the violation of the road development. 

Lack points of CRPF while attacked by the Naxalist

CRPF acts without the intelligence effect. During the attack in Sukma there where around 300 people along with the villager participated as a mob, even a huge number CRPF was unable to identify the motive of the mob and as a result CRPF lost its 25 men. 
CRPF moves with less planning, poor communication.

Resolution: how we can counter Naxalism

  • 5th Schedule should be applied where the tribal can get the power under the constitution.
  • Good communication between Center and the state 
  • Talks with the tribal living in Jungles 
  • Discussion over mining
  • Talks with Naxalists 
  • Appointing Panchayats so that they can easily communicate with the companies
  • Tribal act should be applied so that the tribal will get their entitled 
  • Attacks on the border areas of any two state should be deal jointly by both the states to curb Naxalism
  • Justice should be given to the people who approaches police and courts 
  • Fast tract courts should be appointed to give justice
  • Curbing th corruption of land acquisition
  • Distroying the radical elements who influence the other to join Naxalism      




Sunday, April 23, 2017


Tamil Nadu farmers during protest in Jantar Mantar

Its a big cause of worry that the helping hands of the nation, the farmers who used to  feed us are in the darkest and toughest situation. Damage of crops, large interest rates on the agricultural loans, bad seed quality, worst weather conditions, poor water supply, insufficient irrigation, low level ground water are few of the trouble cases which the farmer faces. Heavy rain during the monsoon, drought during the summers results damage in the crops. Most of the regions in India follows the two crop types which are Ravi and Khariff. Therefor these are the only two chances where farmers looks with full hope. He works hard through out the year and if crops damaged at the end of year then of course that leads disturbance in farmers mind. Most of the farmers have taken the loan from the banks which they  are unable to return, therefore at the end of the day they used to commit suicide. 

Record of feb 2016 shows 3313 suicides in the  nation out of which most of them belongs to Maharastra. Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu  also follows the numbers and are in top in ranking after Maharastra. According to National Crime Bureau the suicides of farmers are the 11.2% of all  the suicides. The numbers were 5650 in 2014.  

farmers drinking urine for the protest

Recent suicides in Tamil Nadu has also warmed the nations. Lack of water in Tamil  Nadu is the biggest concern, even the dispute of the states like Kerela and the Karnataka over the rivers also generates some problematic issue for farmers.  Far away situated fields of the farmers not able to get the proper irrigation water and because of that crops are not able to grow in time. After 144 farmers committed suicide in Tamil  Nadu, the state had already declared drought in state on Jan 10 2017. Most of the farmers were hoping for the Kavery water, however unfortunate dispute in Kerela and Karnataka disheartening them. The Mettur Dam is there but its not enough to supply to the larger parts. 

Recent suicides has lead these farmers to  go on protest where the Government is ignoring these helping hands. Earlier they marched in Tamil  Nadu where the Government never tried to look after them, and now while they are protesting in Jantar Mantar from last couple of days none of media is  interested covering there serious pain of life  and death. The limit has already been crossed and the worst comes then, when these farmers drinks there urine. Still Government is busy  inn by  polls of J&K and the MCD polls in Delhi. Media is  even busy  covering the IPL matches and Sadhus and bhogis.  

Reasons are many as farmers are not getting quality seeds and more than half of quantity  they  gets spoiled seeds. Pesticides are quite expensive and non affordable, limited irrigation methods etc. Poor farmers use to  approach banks where they gets the agricultural load at a rate of interest rate up to 14 %. When there crops get damaged they  losses all the hopes to return the loans and gets defaulter  by the banks. At the end they are lft with no options and unintentionally approaches to the moneylenders who used to  lend them money at a very  high rate interest off 30-40 % and some time more then 50 %. Recently, UP CM Yogi Adityanath has given his instruction to terminate the loans of farmers, however the same defeated by RBI as claiming that if they  will terminate the loans it will  be affecting economically for the nation.

No issues that Government is worried about these helping hands of the nations. They are working all  its best to eradicate the reason for the poor farmers suicides. Pradhan Mantri  Fasal Beema Yojna which was started by  the Government last year for the farmers however the protest of these farmers stating something different that the help is not enough. Weather forecasting has already given the instruct about the large number of drought falling during May June 2017 but no relevant measurement taken by the Government till  now.

Good quality seeds , Quality tools, cheaper pesticides should be provide directly to the Panchayat so  that it will beccome easier to farmers and also will helps to avoid taking loans. Irrigation is  much required therefore should be worked upon by Government at very  first place. After the crop cultivation farmers faces the problem to load their crops and to sell them in Mandi's therefore a proper facility  should be provided in a good scale that farmers can easily carry there hard earned crops to  the market. Most of the time after the cultivation the heavy rainfalls damages the crops therefore proper shelter should be constructed in almost every  Panchayat.  The most important thing is the best price  for the crop is not given to the farmers in market. This should be taken care off. 



Monday, April 17, 2017


do not drink and drive

The decision from government to ban the liquor shops within the distance of 500 mt on highway region comes with a bill to lower down the numbers in accidents. The decision comes quite late which should be taken decades ago, however we welcomes the decision of the government. As it has been noticed the death toll because of the drunk and drive has risen up unconditionally. People use to consume alcohol over the limit and forgets their family  and all the limits of the life. Drunk and drive not only affects the drunken driver however the innocents who are moving on the road on the other hand as well.  The ratio of death toll because of drink and drive case has been risen up from last couple of years. Most of the time the road accidents and the negligence of the drivers some times plays with the life of innocent people.

Most of the people when hanging out with the friends or in parties, after getting drunk, lost all the presence and the conscientiousness and in that stage without caring their family and no even thinking about their father, mother,kids even once and took the risk on highways. After loosing control over the driving hits someone else on the road. These accidents not only affects the drivers and the victim of the accidents but the families behind themselves. Therefore the alcohol consumption on the road not only affects the drinkers but the others as well on the road.                  

Of course, our transport minister Nitin Gadkari was taking all positive move to  bring down the death toll and the numbers of accidents since 2014, however the much awaited step has now landed on the bill and comes into effect now, where all the liquor shops will be banned within the 500 mt distance from the highways . Definitely this much awaited step will be making a huge difference. Earlier Government has taken many steps and left no stone unturned to stop the accidents. Unfortunately it a shame to the people and the public where they violated the instructions and never followed them. Even for the public protection and their own safety they not even bothered to wear seat belts and avoids wearing helmets. These security regions are meant for the public safety  and the security. 

  • The ban on the wine shops will at least going to reduce the numbers of death toll on the roads. Under the Ammendment bill 2016 Government has increased the drink and drive charges which was earlier Rs 2000/- to Rs 10000/- as fine and the imprisonment of at least 6 months.

  • Under the section 185 of motor vehicle act 1988, alcohol limit should not exceed 30 mg / 100 ml of blood 

  • If taken drugs or not in the state to drive, the penalty will be there 10000/- or 6 months of imprisonment. 

There are few states like Gujrat, Bihar, Manipur, Nagaland and the UT Lakshadweep where the alcohol is totally banned. Rest of the states has described the different age limits to consume alcohol. Minimum 18 years in Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka and 25 years in Haryana, Delhi. In many of the states this limit is 21 years. 

Therefore Government should also take another initiative to give the age limit for drinking alcohol under the provision of the law which should be same through out the  nation.         


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Uniform Civil Code

Article 44 under the constitutional law deals with the uniform civil code. Uniform civil  code means the same law code validation under the same roof of justice for every  religion and the caste in the nation. Civil code was a proposal to replace the personnel law which covers marriage, divorce, adoption etc.

uniform civil code

Well most of the matters like contract transfer of act, goods sales etc comes under the civil  code already. However the religion and different castes are not treated under the same code of rule. Therefore this is the biggest question itself whether the civil code is required and applied for the nation or not ?

Like the marriage act as the different religion follows different guidelines for the marriage for example the age, culture etc. Even for the divorce as well different guidelines are given. Triple talaq and many more cases reflects this partiality  and display the negative uniqueness where people are tagged in the cultural boundation.

If we talk about the friendship deed which means to live freely in a live in relationship without any  marriage agreement or the two people with the same gender want to stay along with each other in the society where the culture and law opposes both therefore is it required to apply the same code in favor of these people? Questions are thousand but  the result is still on hold. Therefore it is very important to take everyone's opinion and there well fair before applying the civil  code. Country  India having different states with different languages, religions, caste systems and many  more differential states therefore before implementing the civil code it should be verified properly in the very initial stage before putting the contractual law bonding for the people. 

Why the civil code should be applied ?

No doubt there is a lot of discrimination on the ground of religion, culture, language, caste system therefore to overcome this problem one should honestly taken the civil code.

Of course, in out society  women had always been dominated by the male society therefore to uplift  the women definitely civil  code will be helpful.

To avoid and to abolish the Triple Talaq matter from its grass root          

Why the civil code should not be applied according to the religious followers?

As different religions have there own independence to practice their worship according to  their culture. As in Hindu religion people believe that the women with the mensuration cycle will be prohibited to enter into the temples. Even some of the temples have banned the women and the scheduled castes to enter into it and practice the worship. 

Even the same with the Muslim community  where the women are banned to practice the Namaaj in the Mosque. Many Hindu temples do not allows the scheduled castes to enter into the temple therefore its the biggest question that is it against the law or against the faith on God. If according to a religion perspective if some of the God don't want to  meet women in there compromising state or with the scheduled caste should the Supreme court enters into the matter and ban it or not. this itself a biggest question as the freedom of religion is also there in the constitution.   

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Since we are in a democratic country therefore elections plays a vital role. We the people having our own choice to choose our leader and put him on the ruling chair who will control the entire authorities.


We treats election just same as like as the game of cricket where we all the people are like audience of the match who cheers and stood besides whom they prefer more deserving. We treats contender who fights in the elections same as the cricket players. The results depends on the time and of course on their tough and hard efforts . However there are few limitation and the demerits which also relates both the cricket game and the elections. Few of the people gambles over the election contenders , ,players and the games. Even few of the contenders and players involves themselves into the illegal activities just like match fixing which ruins the taste of the game.

The election commission an independent body of the country plays a vital role to control such activities and manage all the elections. Recent days elections of Punjab and Goa are in high alert where everyone's eyes watching with hope and full of expectations. Upcoming elections in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Manipur and Uttrakhand will going to decide the future of the nation. If any of the minister doesn't working as per the expectation, it is the best time to replace them and to give chance to someone who is much deserving. 

On the other hand some of them are using the short and the wrong way to win the elections. They do not expect loosing during the peak time of elections. By hook and crook they can do anything to win the election. They even cross the limits, takes the helps from notorious, even distributes alcohol and the money. It seems to be bad and election commission should needs to focus on such things. Of course election commission working to stop the illegal funding and the illegal advertisements, however a proper implementation is still required   




Saturday, February 4, 2017


Parul Thakur : The beacon of hope.
Parul Thakur during Miss Himachal 2017
Parul Thakur

The name which lightened the grace and the esteem of Miss Himachal 2017.
The trending cover girl Parul Thakur, who already appeared on the cover page of Rupaayan (रूपायन)  Amar Ujala magazine is serving the heights of beauty queen peagent Miss Himachal 2017.  

Parul Thakur on the cover page of  magazine(रूपायन) Amar Ujala

Another gem which Miss Himachal gifted is Parul Thakur who quietly stunned her fans when she was announced for Miss Himachal finale. The name that gleams with intensity and the elegance.

Parul graciously replied and affirmed the suggestions and was always grateful towards the support and all the love from through out the Himachal. Parul Thakur was always humble and down to earth and her personality would win millions of hearts. Apart from being a much loved beauty queen, she is truly a gem of person.

Parul is an adorable personality , a smiling, effervescent diva. She is always approachable, friendly and very talented girl in nature who was born in Dharamshala and brought up at Sandhole. Parul Thakur belongs to a small town Sandhole in district Mandi. She has passed her intermediate from MSC sen sec school Sujanpur and now doing Bachelor of science from Mehar Chand Mahajan DAV college Chandigarh. Her father Mr Manoj Thakur is a teacher by profession who is posted in Government sen sec school Bhaleth of district Hamirpur and her mother Mrs Anju Thakur is a tutor. Her parents always stood by her and keep strengthening their lovely daughter. Since her childhood Parul is an extraordinary girl who always stood good in studies and also in other curricular activities. She has represented district Hamirpur in the Science Congress at Una which was a national level competition, She was also awarded with a cash prize by Bal Bharti at New Delhi for story writing. She is always a good leader who always stay forward and takes part in almost every field. She has won many prize in dance, painting, debate,declamation,slogan writing and dialogues. She has also won the prize during the science seminars and the presentation at MCM DAV Chandigarh.     

Miss Himachal 2017 grand finale is merely coming on 19th Feb which is not very far away! The enthrallment of the peagent in Himachal has surpassed all the peripheries and people are waiting for the coronation of Miss Himachal to witness who will succeed. 

The finale of Miss Himachal 2017 is merely coming to an end. With passing of days this lovely beauty queen Parul is growing nostalgic as her wonderful reign is about to complete.   

May she shines like a star and touch all the glories. You can share all enthusiast and love in the comments for this beauty queen. 


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